Merge: Today class, we need to choose two different animals and we need to combine it into one.So i choose
Butterfly and
Rabbit .
So here is my drawing:
Chili:After that Mr Radzi show us a picture of chili.And he want us to came out with a quote about
chili and love.Your love is like a chili.Its hot and spicy.Makes my heart beat harder when I'm with you.
The power of your love is like the hotness of the chili.Still I'm in love with you.
Mortar & Pestle:Mr Radzi ask us to come out of our own idea to describe
Man & Woman as a
Mortar & Pestle:
Mortar for me represent as a woman because, as we know without a mortar, pestle would be no functions at all.When we punch a mortar in pestle, it means that like a woman give a full support to a man.
Pestle will represent as a man because, it is strong like a man.Even a mortar punch in it.It is still strong and not broke.
The conclusion is a man without a woman.He is nothing and it goes in the opposite way.