17 December 2009


We have been conducted by Mr Halim And Mr Radzi for 2 weeks for our assignment.
My group choose to make flash video using a Metaphor methods.
And our design concept is : Expect Nothing Got Something.

First Mind Map

Second Mind Map, From this mind map, we write out an essay of 800 words.

This is the final mind map.And our flash video is using "Food" as a topic.

Story Board:

Pictures: This is a few of pictures that we used in our flash video.

Here is our short video:

16 December 2009

Random words/ Image Association

Random words are use to re-ignite creative thinking when we need to generate a new idea.From every single random words that we came out will lead us to more ideas and finally will help us to complete our works.

From the above random words i choose Diamond.

  1. Women: Like a quote " Diamond is a women bestfriend"
  2. Rich : When we think about diamond,only rich peoples can afford to buy it.
  3. Sparkling: The shine on the diamond are one of the specialty about diamond.
  4. Wedding: When we talk about diamond.We also can relate it with a diamond ring during a wedding.

04 December 2009

Images to Words

Cellphone: Cellphone is like everyone best friend nowadays.
It helps us a lot. We use it to communicate with our family members and friends. And it is also becomes a witness to every words that we are saying to our loved ones when we call them.

Cars: They are a good companion through good and bad times.
They comfort, protect and bring us safely to our destinations.

02 December 2009

Merge, Chili & Mortar and Pestle

Today class, we need to choose two different animals and we need to combine it into one.So i choose
Butterfly and Rabbit .

So here is my drawing:

After that Mr Radzi show us a picture of chili.And he want us to came out with a quote about chili and love.Your love is like a chili.Its hot and spicy.Makes my heart beat harder when I'm with you.
The power of your love is like the hotness of the chili.Still I'm in love with you.

Mortar & Pestle:
Mr Radzi ask us to come out of our own idea to describe Man & Woman as a Mortar & Pestle:

Mortar for me represent as a woman because, as we know without a mortar, pestle would be no functions at all.When we punch a mortar in pestle, it means that like a woman give a full support to a man.

Pestle will represent as a man because, it is strong like a man.Even a mortar punch in it.It is still strong and not broke.

The conclusion is a man without a woman.He is nothing and it goes in the opposite way.

20 November 2009


Juxtaposition means placing things side by side.It is done with intention to bring out a specific quality when two contrast things are being used.For example, Michael Moore uses juxtaposition in Fahrenheit 911, when he plays the song "What a Wonderful World" while playing scenes of war and violence.

There are 2 types of Analogy:

Metaphor: a figure of speech, which implied comparison is made between two unlike things but have something in common. For example like "Love is like a rose". Rose is the vehicle of love.

: simle usually use word "like" or as" in a sentence to make the two unlike things are explicitly compared. For example "Good coffee is like a friendship, rich and warm and strong".

2 Categories Of Analogies:

Logical Analogies: Show the invalidity of the design,structure or function with the subject.
Affective Analogies : It is more to the emotional side to describe.

Class Exercise
I choose 17,89 and 92

17- Flower + Tree
89- Oil + Rain
92 - Leave + Rock

Short sentence:
17- Flower + Tree = There are lots of flowers behind the tree.
89 - Oil + Rain = The pollutions happens because of oil that came from a factory that is located up at the hill and it make it getting worse when rain comes down.
92 - Leave + Rock = The leave lays down straight from the moutain on the rock.